Standing Forward Bend or Uttanasana is to be considered as an intense stretching pose for the hamstrings. Moreover, this yoga asana is incredibly soothing to the mind.
Step by step Standing Forward Bend
1st step
Stand with feet together then slightly bend your knees.
2nd step
Fold your torso over your legs moving from your hips.
3rd step
Place your hands next to your hand or just on the floor in front of you.
4th step
Inhale and lengthen your spine by extending your chest.
5th step
Exhale and gently press both of your legs while keeping them straight. Make sure hyperextension of your legs.
6th step
Lift your kneecaps and slightly spiral your upper and inner thighs back.
7th step
Extend your torso down as you exhale and avoid rounding your back.
8th step
Draw your shoulders down your back.
9th step
As much as you can, extend the crown of your head towards the floor. Check your level of comfort.
Standing Forward Bend Beginner’s Tip
The important thing to consider for safe and efficient practice of the Standing Forward Bend is to avoid mistakes such as locking your knees. You should also avoid hyperextending your legs, rounding your upper and lower back. More so, do not roll your shoulders forward. Make sure to practice this type of yoga pose in an empty stomach. Do not eat 2-3 hours before performing any forward bending poses.
Standing Forward Bend Benefits
Uttanasana is very good for the liver and kidney stimulation. Other benefits of this yoga pose includes good digestion, stress relief and has calming effect to the brain. Moreover, standing forward bend is recommended for people with asthma, sinusitis and osteoporosis.
Standing Forward Bend Variations
- Curl your fingers under the bottom and around the big toe then wrap your thumb around your fingers.
- Inhale then straighten your arms.
- Lift your front torso away from your thighs.
- Make transitions to Padangusthasana by making your back concave.
- Hold for a few breaths before you exhale then lengthen down and forward.
- Bend your elbows out to the sides.
Make sure to follow up the standing forward bend pose with standing poses, inversions, or seated forward bends.