Seated Forward Bend or Paschimottanasana stretches the spine, shoulders and hamstrings. People with tight hip flexors will surely benefit from this pose. Nevertheless, be careful not to hyperextend your knees.
Step by step Seated Forward Bend
1st step
Sit on the mat and straighten your legs in front of you.
2nd step
Lift your torso upwards and gently roll to the top of your sitting bones.
3rd step
Inhale then exhale and lean forward from your hip joint while keeping your torso long.
4th step
Every time you inhale, lift and gently lengthen your front torso. With each exhalation, release a little into the forward bend.
5th step
Stay in the pose for about 2 minutes.
6th step
Finally inhale then exhale and slowly come out of the pose, sitting with a long spine and straight legs.
Seated Forward Bend Beginners Tips
Most beginners need to hold a strap under their feet or roll up blanket under their knees. Maintain a relax and natural breathing as tensions can reach your muscles.
Seated Forward Bend Benefits
This yoga asana is very calming to the brain and can relieve stress, headache, anxieties and depression. It can also help stimulate the liver, kidney, uterus and ovaries. Moreover, it can relieve problems in digestion, menstruation and menopause discomforts.
Seated Forward Bend Variations
To deepen the pose, you can bring your belly your thighs, your upper belly and ribs. You can also try making your head reach your knees or shins.
You can relax and hold yourself in a staff pose for practicing deep breathing and strengthening the torso. The Seated Forward Bend or Paschimottanasana is recommended for relieving high blood pressure, insomnia and sinusitis.
This asana can also help in fertility and obesity and appetite correction. However, performance of this pose needs supervision of an expert yoga teacher for those who have asthma, diarrhea and back injury.